Get Rid of Uncomfortable Dentures

For most patients, dentures make everything easier. This is true especially when they had dental concerns, and it was a good idea to get rid of those severely decayed or damaged teeth. However, uncomfortable dentures in Fort Lauderdale can be just as frustrating as having troublesome teeth. If you experience uncomfortable dentures, maybe it’s time you get a denture reline.

What is a Denture Reline?
Dentures Becoming Uncomfortable
The primary reason why denture relines exist is to address uncomfortable dentures. Not every patient has the means to purchase new dentures. Luckily that won’t be required if you’re having issues with them.Relining is the process of adding or replacing a layer into your gums so your dentures can fit perfectly. It is often performed in areas where you usually feel discomfort.
Types of Dentures Reline
If you’re planning to get denture relining, it’s important to know that there are two types – soft reline and hard reline. A lot of patients prefer the former because it is known to be more comfortable.On the other hand, one of the perks of opting for a hard reline is that this type is more permanent and requires less frequent replacement or adjustment. However, before you make any decision, it’s best to discuss it with the dentist.

Choose the Best Solution for Your Dentures in Fort Lauderdale
Every type of denture reline has its pros and cons. You have to make sure you are choosing the perfect one for your dental condition.To help you decide on the perfect solution to treat uncomfortable dentures, please get a hold of our dental professionals at 1500 Dental!