How Do Periodontal Pockets Form?

January 29, 2024

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Who is the best Periodontist Fort Lauderdale?

Formation and Diagnosis of Periodontal Pockets


Even if you have healthy gums, there is always a small space between the gum and tooth. Therefore, your upper gum tissue does not attach directly to your tooth. The small space that’s responsible for collecting and keeping food particles and bacteria is known as the sulcus. Thankfully, these food particles and bacteria can be removed through proper dental hygiene.Unfortunately, once plaque hardens and develops into tartar, it cannot be easily brushed off. You will have to schedule an appointment with a dentist for a professional cleaning. If you don’t get this treatment, the toxins from the bacteria will continue to form on the surface of your teeth. Moreover, this will typically lead to gum tissue inflammation. If left untreated, all the swelling you experience may lead to larger pocket formation between the teeth and gums.


If you notice any signs of periodontal disease like swollen or red gums, bleeding, and bad breath, proper dental examination and diagnosis are important. Beyond a visual examination of the gum tissue, your dentist will diagnose the pocket depth created around every affected tooth using a periondontal probe. This process allows the dentist to determine the presence and progress of the periodontal disease.

Who is the best Periodontist Fort Lauderdale?

Allow a Periodontist in Fort Lauderdale to Eliminate your Periodontal Pockets!

So, to eliminate periodontal pockets, the first step is to get rid of existing plaque and tartar. If the diagnosis shows that you already have severe periodontal disease, you’ll be required to undergo a dental scaling and root planing treatment. Book an appointment with 1500 Dental to check if you have early signs of periodontal disease.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]