Treatments Performed by a Prosthodontist

May 23, 2024

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Who is the best Prosthodontist Fort Lauderdale?

Prosthodontics Treatments

Dental Implants

One of the most famous prosthodontics treatments is dental implants. It is widely loved by patients who have to replace their teeth and still want to look as if the replacement is a natural tooth. Hence, if you happen to lose a tooth and you’re looking for a treatment that will restore the beauty of your teeth and smile, dental implants may be the answer!Dental implants are small titanium screws that permanently replace one or more missing teeth. This artificial tooth root treatment is embedded directly in the jawbone. It acts as a secured and firm support for replacement teeth.


There are several types of dentures, but they all have a common goal: to replace lost teeth in the most comfortable way possible. There are full dentures chosen by patients who have lost most of their teeth, whereas partial dentures only replace one or two missing teeth.According to many testimonies, dentures have a high success rate, and when it is successfully constructed, it can really be life-changing.  Likewise, as attested by several prosthodontists, dentures are among the most workwise and skillfully rewarding treatments they can offer.


Like any other prosthodontics treatments, the main goal of dental bridges is to replace missing teeth. It is a false tooth designed to function like natural teeth. These false teeth are anchored with crowns on the surrounding teeth for support. Dental bridges require that the surrounding teeth be resilient and healthy enough to support the bridge completely.

Who is the best Prosthodontist Fort Lauderdale?

Why See a Prosthodontist in Fort Lauderdale?

Every prosthodontist undertakes comprehensive training and education to prepare them with the skills to perform complicated treatments. At 1500 Dental, our prosthodontists can execute arduous techniques to provide you with optimal treatment results![/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]